In New York, Thinking of You

PART II: MAY 6-JUNE 3, 2023

In New York, Thinking of You is a two-part group exhibition featuring largely new or never-before-exhibited artworks by over two dozen female, female-identifying, and nonbinary artists. Centering on painting, the exhibition highlights a range of formal disciplines, conceptual practices, subject matters, and approaches to art making. Taking inspiration and its title from the song hornylovesickmess, 2022, by Norwegian singer-songwriter Marie Ulven aka girl in red, In New York, Thinking of You features work either selected by the artists or made specifically for the exhibition that responds to the often-conflicting emotions and experiences laid bare in the song: desire, longing, sex, melancholy, tenderness, vulnerability, power, alienation, quiet reflection, etc.

Part I (April 1-29, 2023): Jordan Casteel, Jadé Fadojutimi, Rachel Feinstein, Louise Giovanelli, Jenna Gribbon, Sally J. Han, Hilary Harkness, Lubaina Himid, Arghavan Khosravi, Sahara Longe, Gisela McDaniel, Aliza Nisenbaum, Aurel Schmidt, Finnegan Shannon, Robin F. Williams, and Lisa Yuskavage

Part II (May 6-June 3, 2023): Cecily Brown, Julie Curtiss, Yuan Fang, Natalie Frank, Lubaina Himid, Shara Hughes, Danielle Orchard, Anna Park, Hiba Schahbaz, Finnegan Shannon, Antonia Showering, Jeni Spota C., Lesley Vance, Hana Ward, Anna Weyant, Issy Wood, and Hiejin Yoo

In New York, Thinking of You was organized by The FLAG Art Foundation. FLAG would like to acknowledge the participating artists, galleries, and private lenders.

Hilary Harkness, Hiba Schahbaz, and Anna Weyant in conversation with Glenn Fuhrman at The FLAG Art Foundation, May 6, 2023. Videography by Michael Della Polla. © The FLAG Art Foundation.